Saturday, April 27, 2013

Simply Knotting Knots...

As I sit this rainy day, I was thinking how glorious it is that I was given the gift of knots. There is so much joy and freedom in 'just' knotting.

My first Christmas gift as a married woman was this blanket across the back of the chair...Christmas Eve mother in love gave it to her son and I for the foot of our bed. Still after all these years looks absolutely gorgeous, after many arguments, after divorces, after marriages, after deaths, after dreams, it sure does still shine! Upon closer looks you see some pills, a few tails may have come out but isn't that the way of life? The perception of what is?

The folded blanket I made last spring, a journey out of order. I like order, pattern, rhyme and reason. No two squares are the same...the only sameness is the hugs of each square which also holds each different together...just like our memories and our dreams each different each held by same. Same reasons, same loving, same living...

Knotting brings my heart to you, it helps me save those feelings and wrap you in love. Wrap my dreams and hopes for your happiness all into one simple little space. That is my simple little goal to give you a memory a joy a simple cluster of knotting love.


  1. so beautiful and so are your thoughts and the way,is that the "sunburst square?" No matter it's just beautiful,like you

  2. ok,don't know if you got my last comment,so I'll try to remember what I wrote:
    so beautiful,as are all your thoughts and the way, is that the "sunburst square?" No matter,it's just beautiful,like you

  3. Yes Miss Heidi I got them both! Yes it is the sunburst square one of the few that I straight up love without tweaking them. Lol! I so love you to and appreciate all your encouragement! Every single day you make me smile and remember there are beautiful souls still here!


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