Wednesday, June 26, 2013

When it gets too *hot*!

There are those times when we all get scared. We've all heard, 'when life gives you lemons...' or 'no sense in crying over spilt milk...' I am here to tell you bottling feelings up to make lemonade or a bowl of cereal is not what it's cracked up to be! I feel I am a strong happy, sappy at times, well adjusted adult. Okay, adult may be pushing it! But you have to get those feelings out...look them about them...really FEEL them!

I crochet when I think...mindless endless lets me gain lets me feel. Now I can't do intricate new patterns and stitches during this time but I can make some serious knots. I can also shrink the design from yarny goodness to theady wonder.

Even when lemonade isn't what you wanna make with those lemons, take the time to feel the bitter...knot in some sugar...share with trusted beautiful glasses to hold your precious concoction and know you are never alone when you have that glass.

Love you,


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